Programmable two channel capacitive ignition for motorbikes supplied by 12 V.

SPARKER DC-CDI-P2 ignition is a programmable two channel capacitive ignition with revolution and TPS regulation of the advance. This type of ignition is used for some multi-cylinder road motorbikes (for example XRV750, YZF-R6, CX500, GPZ305, some models GSXR ...). If the sensor system of customer`s bike does not comply with SPARKER DC-CDI-P2 ignition, it can be adjust by means of special settings.
SPARKER DC-CDI-P2 ignition is equipped with two inputs for pickup, input for throttle position sensor, two multifunctional switch inputs (for blocking, kill switch, retard...), output for tachometer, two multifunction switch outputs (for fuel pump relay, gear shift light ...), outputs for servomotor.
Ignition is fully programmable by software DCCDIP2.EXE. Software included advance map or curve, options for blocking, revolution limiter, servo ... Software is conformable to TCIP4 software.
The ignition unit is in plastic box 85x67x26 mm with 20-pin grey connector. Counterpart connector are supplied.

Detailed description current version v105 (pdf).

Detailed description older version v85 (pdf).

We provide expert installation of the device in our specialized shop.
For those interested in assembly procedure detailed assembly manuals are available here..